Between silencing and these arch for expression

There presentation of the subordinate female voice in Lívia Garcia-Roza




Contemporary female fiction, Oppressive love relationships, Silence, Expression


According to Zolin (2019), the fiction of recent female authorship lives an intense production moment, in which gender issues still appear mixed with other demands of postmodern women. In this sense, the novel Meu marido, published in 2006, by the psychoanalyst Lívia Garcia-Roza, brings as narrator protagonist Bela, a 30 year old girl, married and mother, who suffers from the breakdown of her family life. Even with a female character subject to oppression, tyranny, silence and constant physical and psychological abuse, inflicted by her husband, delegate Eduardo, the author manages to give visibility to the conflicts that permeate the daily lives of women silenced by oppressive love relationships. Indeed, this article, which aims to reflect on the representation of the female character’s subordinate voice in the mentioned novel, is supported by the theoretical contributions of cultural studies and feminist criticism, with studies by, among others, Coelho (1993), Perrot (2005), Bonicci (2007), Bourdieu (2015) and Zolin (2019).


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Author Biography

Wilma dos Santos Coqueiro, Universidade Estadual do Paraná (UNESPAR), Campo Mourão, PR, Brasil.

Doutora em Letras/área de concentração em Estudos Literários pela Universidade Estadual de Maringá (UEM), em Maringá, PR, Brasil. Docente adjunta do colegiado de Letras da Universidade Estadual do Paraná/campus de Campo Mourão, em Campo Mourão, PR, Brasil.


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How to Cite

Coqueiro, W. dos S. (2021). Between silencing and these arch for expression: There presentation of the subordinate female voice in Lívia Garcia-Roza. Letrônica, 14(3), e38807.



Subalterns' silences and screams: violence and oppression mechanisms