The profusion of the concept of bivocal discourse in the context of the televised religious program Show da Fé (Show of Faith)




Bivocality, Biblical discourse, Tension.


In this article, assuming the body of work by the Bakhtin Circle, we aim to investigate the issues involving the transmission of the word of the other and the evaluative aspects that are intrinsic in this process. In this sense, we analyze how the concept of Bivocality is established in the works of the Bakhtin Circle, observing the main concepts involved. In order to illustrate the profusion of the concept, we examine how the transmission process of biblical discourse appears discursively in the request for sponsorship in the televised religious program Show da fé (“Show of faith”), focusing on different social voices that emerge in the bivocalization process of the biblical discourse in this religious program. Reflections on the bivocal processes of (semantic-axiological) attainment, transmission and orientation in relation to the discourse of the other gives us a
dialogic view regarding the tense relations between faith, the market, publicity and consumption in the televised religious program Show da fé. This in turn reveals how the aspects mentioned overlap in the discourses and in the subjects immersed in these interactions.


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How to Cite

Ribeiro, K. da R. (2018). The profusion of the concept of bivocal discourse in the context of the televised religious program Show da Fé (Show of Faith). Letrônica, 11(3), s68-s82.