The tragedy in A maçã envenenada, written by Michel Laub


  • Anna Carolina Botelho Takeda Universidade de São Paulo



A maçã envenenada, Tragédia, Romantismo.


In this article we analyze the narrative action of the novel Maçã envenenada (2013) wrote by Michel Laub to see how the author presents in the book what we call tragic element, in order words, narrative events which announce to the destruction of the protagonist in order to extract from this event the exposure of a disordered world. To understand the concept of tragedy, we use the concepts of modern tragedy developed by Raymond Williams, who sees in the tragic action the concept of revolution. On the other hand, it will be emphasized the protagonist's admiration for the romantic attitude of the singer Kurt Cobain, who refuses to subordinate himself to rules of this disordered world by committing suicide.


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Author Biography

Anna Carolina Botelho Takeda, Universidade de São Paulo

Formada em Letras pela Universidade de São Paulo, doutoranda pelo programa de pós-graduação em Estudos Comparados de Literaturas de Língua Portuguesa (USP). Bolsa CAPES – Demanda Social.


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How to Cite

Takeda, A. C. B. (2017). The tragedy in A maçã envenenada, written by Michel Laub. Letrônica, 10(1), 433–442.