The dialogical feature of language by an instructional perspective of significance


  • Mara Rubia Rodrigues Freitas Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul



Language, Dialogal, Speech, Argumentation in Language Theory.


According to Ducrot (1987), the significance of a phrase (in language) consists in instructions that the listener must follow to produce meaning to the utterance (in speech). Considering that the meaning of the utterance is a representation of its own enunciation and, in the enunciation, there is a ME that speaks to a YOU, the dialogic feature of the discourse is indubitable. Although the language is an abstract system, we believe that it has a dialogue substrate, because significance is instructional. We propose to investigate the instructions that allow the listener to recover meanings constructed by the speaker, according to the Language Argumentation Theory, an approach that uses the speech to explain the language. We intend to analyze an advertising piece according to the concepts of this theory, to evince the dialogic potentiality of language.


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How to Cite

Freitas, M. R. R. (2016). The dialogical feature of language by an instructional perspective of significance. Letrônica, s167-s175.