“The national Alzheimer’s disease”: (in)justice, history and literature


  • Lua Gill da Cruz Universidade Estadual de Campinas




K., Dictatorship, Trial, Juridical unconscious.


Fifty years after the Brazilian military coup, the arts are still trying to represent this period. One of the greatest examples of contemporary Brazilian literature, which this article intends to talk about, is K. (2011), of Bernardo Kucinski, which narrates the search of a father for her daughter, A., missed  politician in the period of civil-military dictatorship, and to whom he tries to give some justice through the narrative. The reading of the book will contrast different areas of knowledge, such as History, Psychoanalysis, Politic and Law, especially with the Shoshana Felman’s book The juridical unconscious (2002). According to Felman, the perspective is that the trials and the law usually reproduce and repeat political and social  traumas, through his juridical unconscious (using Freud’s concepts), and they are marked by the impossibility of  listening. Otherwise, the literature would be the space in which the violence hypocrisy would be put in evidence, giving pace to those that usually do not have it in the legal environment.


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Author Biography

Lua Gill da Cruz, Universidade Estadual de Campinas

Mestranda no Programa de Teoria e História Literária da Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), orientada pelo Prof. Dr. Márcio Orlando Seligmann-Silva e bolsista CAPES.


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How to Cite

da Cruz, L. G. (2016). “The national Alzheimer’s disease”: (in)justice, history and literature. Letrônica, s186-s196. https://doi.org/10.15448/1984-4301.2016.s.22154