Variable Application Of Pretonic Mid-Vowel Raising With No Apparent Motivation In Porto Alegre: Considerations Under Exemplar Theory


  • Ana Paula Correa da Silva Biasibetti PUCRS - Porto Alegre, RS



Vogais médias pretônicas, Elevação sem motivação aparente, Variação fonético-fonológica, Teoria de Exemplares.


This study investigates the variable application of pretonic mid-vowel raising with no apparent motivation, as in s[e]nhor ~ s[i]nhor and g[o]verno ~ g[u]verno, in the speech of youths from Porto Alegre. The main objective is to verify if lexical items and word stems favor the raising process when compared to linguistic and social variables. In order to do so, we analyzed a sample from VARSUL (Linguistic Variation in Southern Brazil) database composed of youths born and raised in Porto Alegre using mixed-effect variable rule analysis (JOHNSON, 2009). The quantitative results indicated that only Lexical Item and Word Stem statistically favored the raising of /o/, revealing that the lexicon conditions the process. Regarding /e/ vowel, the limited number of tokens indicated that the raising applies on some isolated words with no phonetic conditioner in common. Besides that, we verified that the raising spreads diffusely through stems affecting some words but not all. The discussion about the results started with the premises of Lexical Diffusion (CHEN, WANG, 1975; OLIVEIRA, 1991, 1992, 1995) and advanced with Exemplar Theory (JOHNSON, 1997; PIERREHUMBERT, 2001, 2003) in order to explain the phonetic-phonological variation through token frequency of the alternating forms.


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Author Biography

Ana Paula Correa da Silva Biasibetti, PUCRS - Porto Alegre, RS


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How to Cite

Biasibetti, A. P. C. da S. (2014). Variable Application Of Pretonic Mid-Vowel Raising With No Apparent Motivation In Porto Alegre: Considerations Under Exemplar Theory. Letrônica, 7(2), 496–521.

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