Acoustic Vowel Dispersion In Three Tupian Languages


  • Fabíola Azevedo Baraúna Universidade Federal do Pará
  • Alessandra Janaú de Brito Universidade Federal do Pará
  • Gessiane Lobato Picanço Universidade Federal do Pará



Vowels, Acoustic analysis, Vowel dispersion, Tupian languages.


This study addresses two issues regarding the inventory of vowels in the Tupian languages Asuriní Xingu, and Wayampí Mundurukú. The first issue refers to the universal tendency for vowel systems to be equally and symmetrically distributed. The second refers to the importance of an acoustic analysis in the discussion of phonological facts, especially when it comes to a more accurate phonetic description of segments. The research focuses on the definition of vowel qualities and their distribution in the acoustic space of vowels in the Tupian languages. Despite having some previous studies of its phonology, Asuriní do Xingu remained undefined in relation to their vowel qualities. A similar scenario is found in Wayampí, a language with a vowel system symmetrically dispersed, but still with doubts about its vowel qualities. The acoustic analysis helps to clarify these discrepancies. Mundurukú contributes to the study as an example of a language typologically uncommon since its vowel system does not have the expected triangle /i, u, a/. However, the acoustic analysis shows that, at least phonetically, the gaps seem to be compensated for by other vowels, so that the language is closer to a symmetric system.


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How to Cite

Baraúna, F. A., de Brito, A. J., & Picanço, G. L. (2015). Acoustic Vowel Dispersion In Three Tupian Languages. Letrônica, 7(2), 713–738.