Theory of reading as cultural contact: displacement, travel and otherness in the act of reading fiction


  • Luiz Antonio Silva UERJ



Reader response criticism, Cultural contacts, Cultural Studies and Literary texts.


This article is an analysis of the framework and contributions of the theories of reading as cultural contact created by Gabriele Schwab, professor at the University of California in the 90s. This theory advocates the principle that the reading of literary texts allows a kind of negotiation between cultural limits of readers texts, thus reading it represents a kind of cultural contact. Thus, this theory is configured from an interdisciplinary dialogue between Reader Response Critiscm and Cultural Studies, aspect also analyzed in this study.


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Author Biography

Luiz Antonio Silva, UERJ

*Luiz Antonio Silva, professor Substituto no Departamento de Literatura Brasileira e Teoria da Literatura da UERJ, pós-doutor (recém-doutor) em Teoria da Literatura. Doutor(2007) e mestre(2002) em Estudos de Literatura na PUC-Rio . Foi pesquisador visitante na Brown University (2001 e 2006). Tem graduação em História pela UERJ(1998). 


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How to Cite

Silva, L. A. (2015). Theory of reading as cultural contact: displacement, travel and otherness in the act of reading fiction. Letrônica, 7(2), 840–854.