Lose yourself on the journey, on the road, in the story: the stranger in “Bem longe de Marienbad”, by Caio Fernando Abreu


  • Fernanda Borges Pinto




Caio Fernando Abreu, Stranger, Psychoanalytic theory.


This work aims to develop the concept of stranger in the novelette “Bem longe de Marienbad”, by Caio Fernando Abreu, through Julia Kristeva’s work, Strangers to ourselves, which explores subjective and psychological aspects of the person who is living in another country. The characters of the novelette, through their errant ways, introduce a new perspective to the idea of stranger, since the road can also be considered a home. Published in 1996, in the book Estranhos estrangeiros, “Bem longe de Marienbad” exposes what it is to be a stranger in terms of territory and perception of the world.


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How to Cite

Pinto, F. B. (2015). Lose yourself on the journey, on the road, in the story: the stranger in “Bem longe de Marienbad”, by Caio Fernando Abreu. Letrônica, 7(2), 1043–1059. https://doi.org/10.15448/1984-4301.2014.2.17732