Becoming a person through innovative inclusive education


  • Maria Serena Veggetti Sapienza University of Rome



Consciousness. Personality. Cultural-historical approach to normality vs defect. Becoming subject of school-activity. Research. Inclusion.


1. Referring to some of the leading publications on the so called “difficult problem” of human neurosciences (consciousness), this definition is compared with the conceptualization of consciousness proposed by Vygotskij and shared by the representatives of the Historical-cultural trend in psychology. 2. The socio-genetic conception seems, at the present-day state of the research, to give a better explanation of the “becoming a person”, whether normal or handicapped, since the higher mental processes develop according to culture and education. 3. It is argued that the foundation of this process derives from a learning dynamic which, not being successfully experienced and supported by research-activity in educational contexts, brings about a more or less meaningful disease. 4. Brief considerations about “personality” – a subject mastering all his/her higher psychic functions. 5. As a conclusion, every intervention, whether educational, re-educational or clinical, has to devote major attention to the carrying on research-activity in the school-learning‚ as an effective way for attaining inclusion.


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Author Biography

Maria Serena Veggetti, Sapienza University of Rome

Departement of social and developemental psychology


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How to Cite

Veggetti, M. S. (2018). Becoming a person through innovative inclusive education. Educação, 41(3), 393–400.



Dossiê: A Defectologia de Vygotsky