Vygotsky’s theory of method and philosophy of practice: implications for trans/formative methodology


  • Anna Stetsenko Center of the City University of New York




Vygotsky.Transformative activist stance. Social justice. Ideological-political work. Formative method.


Vygotsky’s project needs to be grasped as a yet unnamed type of an approach which, in continuing the revolutionary spirit of Marxism, moved beyond the old divide between theory and practice and instead, embodied their unity in a peculiar blend with distinct philosophical, theoretical and ethical/ideological underpinnings. The goal of creating new psychology for a society that itself needed to be created on principles of social justice and equality guided this approach and turned it into a critical-practical project of social transformation and change. The main argument advanced in this paper is that at the core of Vygotsky’s method is the novel transformative onto-epistemology, coupled with the socio-political ethos of equality and justice, which challenge ideology of adaptation and control. I discuss this set of issues in light of a transformative activist stance that puts premium on researchers’ commitments and value orientations.


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How to Cite

Stetsenko, A. (2016). Vygotsky’s theory of method and philosophy of practice: implications for trans/formative methodology. Educação, 39(4), s32-s41. https://doi.org/10.15448/1981-2582.2016.s.24385



Dossier - Interdisciplinary Theoretical-methodological Insights on Intervention