The community of equals and the leader of the true people

A brief characterization of the phenomenon of contemporary populism




Contemporary populism, Democracy, People, Leader


This article aims, at first, to characterize the profound transformations in historical time and social space, which occurred from the second half of the twentieth century, which fostered the objective conditions for the emergence of the phenomenon of contemporary populism and, in a second moment, expose and explain two of its main elements: the notion of people and political leader. From the bibliographical review of different works that investigate the consequences of economic and political globalization and populism, it was possible to conclude that today’s populism promotes the verticalization of politics in the figure of the leader, who embodies and represents the true people. The “people” of populists refers to an organic, natural and homogeneous community in which there are no evaluative or moral dissidences.


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Author Biography

Isabela Monti, Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho”, Campinas, SP, Brasil.

Mestranda pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia do Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas (IFCH) da Universidade Estadual de Campinas/UNICAMP. Graduada em Ciências Sociais pela Faculdade de Ciências e Letras (FCLar) da UNESP.


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How to Cite

Monti, I. (2021). The community of equals and the leader of the true people: A brief characterization of the phenomenon of contemporary populism. Conversas & Controvérsias, 8(2), e40011.



Dossiê: Crise Sistêmica Internacional e Regimes Democráticos