Gender inequality, internationalization and academic trajectories in Political Science: evidences from Brazil and Uruguay




Political Science. Gender inequalities. Academic trajectories. Internationalization. Disciplinary field.


Research about the history and status of political science in Latin America
grow significantly in the past years. Still, one element is scarcely considered: the issue  of gender equality in the discipline. This article seeks to identify gender differences in the academic trajectories of scholars in two countries: Brazil and Uruguay. The focus is on the degree of internationalization of their academic careers. Internationalization is measured in two dimensions: academic training abroad and publication of articles in foreign journals. The analysis relies on primary data collected from the curriculum vitae (CV) published by the national research system of each country: Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq – Lattes) (Brazil) and Agencia Nacional de Investigación e Innovación (ANII-SNI) (Uruguay). The evidence suggests that in both cases women are underrepresented in the universe and publish fewer articles (both in national and foreign journals) than their male counterparts. However, the data show that there are no gender differences in access to training and publication opportunities abroad, nor in the countries of destination.


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Author Biography

Rafael Machado Madeira, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, Pucrs, Porto Alegre, RS


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How to Cite

Rocha-Carpiuc, C., & Madeira, R. M. (2019). Gender inequality, internationalization and academic trajectories in Political Science: evidences from Brazil and Uruguay. Civitas: Journal of Social Sciences, 19(3), 545–563.



Dossier: History, development and teaching os Political Sciences