UNITA’s political-diplomatic action in Portugal during the first phase of the Angolan Civil War (1976 - 1988)
Angola, UNITA, Foreign Relations, Angolan Civil War, PortugalAbstract
The article explores the political and diplomatic actions of the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA) in Portugal during the first phase of the Angolan civil war, from 1976 to 1988. The qualitative research gathered data from reports from the US embassy in Lisbon, the Portuguese press of the time, as well as oral sources, through semi-structured interviews with members of the UNITA delegation in Portugal and Portuguese political figures with links to the Angolan organisation. The aim of the article is to describe UNITA’s political and diplomatic activities in Portugal, as well as the connections and channels used to materialise its intentions. The aim is to explore the relevance of Portugal in UNITA’s international diplomatic activities. The data suggests that, in the context of UNITA’s activities in various countries in Africa, Europe and the United States of America (USA), Portugal was an important strategic space for the implementation of its international action in opposition to the Angolan government.
ARQUIVO Histórico Parlamentar, Secção XXXIIIb), cx. 229ª, n. 8.
Diário de Lisboa, janeiro e fevereiro de 1976.
Diário de Notícias, fevereiro de 1976.
Entrevistas semiestruturadas aos elementos afetos à UNITA e Portugal e aos partidos do arco da governação portuguesa: PS, PPD/PSD e CDS.
Jornal Avante, novembro e dezembro de 1975.
Jornal O Dia, setembro de 1988.
O Dia, 21 julho 1988.
PORTUGAL. Arquivo da Ministério da Administração Interna. Administração Governo Civil de Lisboa (instituições), processo n. 2765, Lº 92, Pº G/8-304.
PORTUGAL. Arquivo da Ministério da Administração Interna. Governo Civil de Lisboa (Instituições), processo n. Lº96, P-L/8-24.
Semanário O Independente.
Semanário O Tempo, setembro de 1988.
WIKILEAKS. Liberation fronts, diplomatic discussions. Disponivel em: https://wikileaks.org/plusd/cables/1979LISBON01745_e.html. Acesso em: 2 set. 2023.
WIKILEAKS. Recognition, closure of offices, liberation fronts. Disponível em: https://wikileaks.org/plusd/ cables/1976LISBON01239_b.html. Acesso em: 25 ago. 2023.
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