Claude Meillassoux in Mozambique

Regarding a letter to Marcelino dos Santos




Mozambique, Meillassoux, Marcelino dos Santos, economic anthropology, marxism


Claude Meillassoux, the founder of French economic anthropology, and Marcelino dos Santos, an important leader of the Mozambique Liberation Front (Frelimo), met in Paris in the 1950s, when they were studying with the Africanist Georges Balandier. In 1977, the year of Meillassoux’s first visit to Mozambique, the relationship between the two was renewed, although this time under a critical and controversial aspect. In that year Frelimo became a “Marxist-Leninist” vanguard party and prepared to create a series of organizations for the establishment of “popular power” and socialism. Meillassoux became an attentive observer of this process. This article reconstructs the vicissitudes of his trip, promoted by the French-Mozambican Academic Cooperation and by the African Studies Center of the Eduardo Mondlane University. Immediately after his visit, Meillassoux sent a letter to Marcelino dos Santos. The letter conveyed a severe critique of the directions the Mozambican revolution was taking. Finally, the article analyzes the anthropological and political implications of the letter.


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Author Biography

Lorenzo Macagno, Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil and Center for Studies on Africa and Development (CEsA) ISEG-UL, Lisbon.

Full Professor in the Department of Anthropology at the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR) and a research fellow at the Center for Studies on Africa and Development (CEsA-ISEG) at the University of Lisbon. He is also a CNPq research productivity fellow (PQ, level 2). He was regional director (South region) of the Brazilian Anthropology Association (2017-2018). His most recent book is The Invention of the Assimilated: Paradoxes of Colonialism in Mozambique (Lisbon: Colibri, 2019).


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How to Cite

Macagno, L. (2024). Claude Meillassoux in Mozambique: Regarding a letter to Marcelino dos Santos. Estudos Ibero-Americanos, 50(1), e45089.



Dossier - Political oppositions in the PALOP countries: formation, evolution and perspectives