Women in Latin American Academia

Gender Inequalities in the Social Sciences of Chile, Mexico, Brazil, and Argentina





gender inequality, women, research, social sciences, Latin America


This article discusses the gender inequality female researchers and university professors face in the social sciences in four Latin American countries: Chile, Mexico, Brazil, and Argentina. The objective is to understand the forms of discrimination these women face in their work environment and analyze how these forms operate and impact their labor marginalization. It also seeks to characterize the difficulties faced by female academics in reconciling their reproductive and care responsibilities with professional practice. The second section sets out the theoretical framework and defines the concept of gender inequality. The third analyzes the gender gap in international academia, contrasting the most recent data from the Global North and South on the obstacles faced by women in professional academic settings. The fourth reviews case studies in Chile, Mexico, Brazil, and Argentina and offers a characterization of this problem in these countries. The final section presents four analytical-interpretative conclusions.


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Author Biographies

Menara Guizardi, National Council for Scientific and Technical Research of Argentina and University of Tarapacá (Chile).

Menara Guizardi has a PhD in Social Anthropology and a Master's degree in Latin American Studies from the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM, Spain). She is a Social Scientist and has a postgraduate degree in Human Sciences and Regional Development from the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES, Brazil). She currently works as an assistant researcher at the National Council for Scientific and Technological Research of Argentina (CONICET), linked to the Interdisciplinary School of Higher Social Studies at the National University of San Martín (IDAES-UNSAM, Argentina). Among his latest published books, we find “Ultra-Intensity Patriarchy. Care and Gender Violence on the Paraná Triborder Area” (Springer, 2021), “Middle Class Identities and Social Crisis” (with Alejandro Grimson and Silvina Merenson, from Routledge, 2023) and “Feminine care and mobility in Latin America: brief guide to initial readings” (with Herminia Gonzávez, from Ril Editores, 2023).

Herminia Gonzálvez , Central University of Chile.

Herminia Gonzálvez has a PhD in Social Anthropology and Cultural Diversity from the University of Granada (UGR). Master in Migration, Refugees and Intercommunity Relations from the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM). Postgraduate in Mediation from the University of Vic (UVIC). Graduated in Social and Cultural Anthropology from the Miguel Hernández University (UMH) and Diploma in Social Service from the University of Alicante (UA). She leads the Regular Fondecyt Project nº 1201115 “Gender and old age: an ethnography on the social and moral organization of care in the commune of Peñalolén (Santiago de Chile)” (2020-2023). Her most recent books are “Feminine care and mobility in Latin America. Brief guide to initial reading” and “The Trenches of community care. An ethnography about elderly women in Santiago de Chile”, both co-published with Menara Guizardi.

Carolina Stefoni, University of Tarapacá (Chile).

Carolina Stefoni is a professor in Sociology at Alberto Hurtado University (2013), a master in Cultural Studies at the University of Birmingham - England (1999) and a sociologist at the Pontifical Catholic University (1996). She works as an academic at the University of Tarapacá and is an associate researcher at the Center for Conflict Studies and Social Coesão (COES). Currently she is director of the PhD in Social Sciences at the University of Tarapacá. It has a long career in studies and publications related to migration in Chile and Latin America.


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How to Cite

Guizardi, M., Gonzálvez , H., & Stefoni, C. (2024). Women in Latin American Academia: Gender Inequalities in the Social Sciences of Chile, Mexico, Brazil, and Argentina. Estudos Ibero-Americanos, 50(1), e44895. https://doi.org/10.15448/1980-864X.2024.1.44895