Sovereignty of the South in the New Environmental Geopolitics of the Global North
The TIPNIS Case in the Bolivian Amazon
environmental geopolitic, North-South tensión, Latin America, Amazon, TIPNIS conflict.Abstract
This article proposes a direct relationship between environmental geopolitics of the 21st century and the geopolitics of power of the global North. Furthermore, this relationship is a fundamental analytical framework for understanding the environmental conflicts that arise in geographic spaces considered key to planetary ecosystem functioning, and which are located in the global South, as is the case of Amazon, where eight Latin American nations shared this area. Specifically, this article focused on the TIPNIS case, which arose in the Bolivian Amazon territory because of a project promoted by the Government of president Evo Morales. It consists of the construction of a highway that would cross the Isiboro Secure Indigenous Territory and National Park. It is impossible to understand the real dimension of this conflict without establishing its connection with the environmental geopolitics of the global North. On this matter, based on a documentary review and analysis of primary and secondary sources, the intervention of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund in the TIPNIS case is analyzed as part of the environmental geopolitics applied by the global North on the South.
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