commemorations and stories of a public university
Commemorations, UERJ, Public history, Institutional historyAbstract
The article analyzes two projects proposed and implemented in 2019, on the occasion of the beginning of the commemoration of the seventy years of University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ): the preparation of the book 70 years UERJ: 1950 - 2020 and the thematic exhibition ESQUELE7O - 70 years of UERJ. The connections of these experiences with Public History were based on their relationship with historiography and memory and thought on three fronts: the collaborative character of the book and the exhibition, which involved teachers, scholarship students, technicians and, in the case of the exhibition, artists, in a shared authorship; the search to build an institutional history that was not laudatory, escaping from narrating a trajectory guided by the succession of administrators and their achievements, a criterion that guided both the writing of texts and the choice of photographs; and the assumption of the “Favela do Esqueleto” (Skeleton Slum) as a symbolic landmark of the university's commitment to fighting social injustices, making it possible to rethink the relationship between the public university and the publics who enjoy the services emanating from this institution, as well as the urban landscape in Rio.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Carlos Eduardo Pinto de Pinto, Márcia de Almeida Gonçalves, Rui Aniceto Nascimento Fernandes
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