Nicanor Parra
poetry of public square and social protest
Nicanor Parra, Latin American literature, anti-poetry, public historyAbstract
Nicanor Parra’s thought and work can be read as an incisive expression of the Latin American critic thought: a critique of the efficacy of modernity’s greats projects and narratives. They also represent an attempt of vitalize and subvert the means and models of the public debate about the policy, the history, the art and the life through the poetic expression, even if it has to become anti-poetic. Using various documentary supports (literary production, speeches, interviews and witnesses), this article aims to explore the paths and functions assumed by the anti-poetry in the cultural arenas (Chileans and Latin Americans) and link the work of Nicanor Parra to certain catalysing means of social and political demands of the present time.
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