“More beautiful than the sun, more beautiful than the sky”
Female representation in Porto Alegre’s carnival discourse of the early 20th century (1906-1914)
History of women, Genre, Female representation, Male domination, Carnival historyAbstract
The history of Porto Alegre’s carnival, beginning of the 20th century - represented by the Esmeralda and Venetian carnival societies, is published in this article through the perspective of gender studies. As evasive women, we come to be like Marias, modest and redeeming, and are attached to the symbol of moral regeneration in carnival. The queens of the associations are allegories of this transformation. Thus, the present article aims to discuss how representations of women elaborated by the carnivalesque discourse, centered on the figure of the queen of the carnival society, when analyzing the verses given by the published associations, published in the press of the time. Discourse Analysis was used as a tool to find meaning in the social messages contained in the verses. With this study we intend to show that the history of gender relations allows us to allow supremacy resistances of power discourses of androcentric systems of representation, to show representations of women that legitimize a hierarchy of genders over time.
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