The Peace Code and the plot of Pan Americanism in the 1930s
American International Law, Mexico, Alfonso ReyesAbstract
The Peace Code was a proposal by Mexican diplomacy, especially Alfonso Reyes, to build a legal instrument capable of agglutinating the previous treaties and agreements and providing it with greater effectiveness by creating permanent instances to intervene in case of conflicts in the continent. As this article intends to show through the documentation of Alfonso Reyes, its origin and development during the 1930s was related to the decision to turn Mexico into a skilled negotiator of the Pan American Conferences. Thus, through a case study little analyzed so far, the role of Mexico in the triangulation between the hegemonic desires of the United States and Argentina can be observed. This is intended to strengthen the interpretations that analyze Pan-Americanism as a complex plot of multiple negotiations, demystifying the idea that it was a scenario where Latin American countries had little influence and low negotiation capacity.
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