The “new bandeirantes” in march: the newspaper Anhanguera like expression of bandeirista ideas




Culture. Bandeirante. Ideology. Politics.


In this article, we will evaluate the importance of the Anhanguera newspaper as the main media vehicle for the dissemination of the ideology of the Flag Movement in the middle of 1937. To this end, we will discuss the ideological bases of this movement, its members and the way of disseminating its ideas, at the same time, we will point out how this newspaper was received between military and civilians. A final highlight of this article will be the way the editors of the newspaper Anhanguera criticized the figure of Getúlio Vargas and defended the candidacy of Armando de Salles to the Presidency of the Republic. In order to develop this study, we will count on the contributions of Norbert Elias, Roger Chartier and Tania Regina de Luca, so that these authors will help us to understand the articulation of a “society of individuals” through the Anhanguera newspaper, which has as social habitus the appropriation of the literary representations of the bandeirante paulista stuffed by political representations.In this article, we will evaluate the importance of the Anhanguera newspaper as the main media vehicle for the dissemination of the ideology of the Flag Movement in the middle of 1937. To this end, we will discuss the ideological bases of this movement, its members and the way of disseminating its ideas, at the same time, we will point out how this newspaper was received between military and civilians. A final highlight of this article will be the way the editors of the newspaper Anhanguera criticized the figure of Getúlio Vargas and defended the candidacy of Armando de Salles to the Presidency of the Republic. In order to develop this study, we will count on the contributions of Norbert Elias, Roger Chartier and Tania Regina de Luca, so that these authors will help us to understand the articulation of a “society of individuals” through the Anhanguera newspaper, which has as social habitus the appropriation of the literary representations of the bandeirante paulista stuffed by political representations.


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Author Biography

George Leonardo Seabra Coelho, Universidade Federal do Tocantins (UFT), Arraias, TO.

Pós-doutor em História pela Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil), Doutor em História pela Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG, Goiânia, GO, Brasil), professor Adjunto da Universidade Federal do Tocantins.


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How to Cite

Coelho, G. L. S. (2020). The “new bandeirantes” in march: the newspaper Anhanguera like expression of bandeirista ideas. Estudos Ibero-Americanos, 46(2), e34649.



Imprensa, cultura e circulação de ideias