Poverty and vulnerability: a social history of disasters in 1974 in the Tubarão River Basin (SC-Brazil)
Social history. Socioenvironmental disasters. Tubarão River Basin.Abstract
This article analyzes the flood and mass landslides in the Tubarão River Basin in 1974. The objective is to evaluate the measures taken by the Brazilian government in order to avoid the dismantling of the city. In this context, the condition “affected by the disaster” was reported by national and regional newspapers as a victim or villain, which varied according to the interests of ruling classes in the work of affected people. Disaster is understood in this work as a totalizing event, which expresses the logics of domination imposed on the environment and to the individuals. Thus, it was realized that at the Tubarão River Basin, poverty is the most significant condition to the production of vulnerability to social and environmental disasters.
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