Punishment or forgiveness? The hard dealing with the dictatorial past in democratic Portugal – The case of the political purges





Transitional justice. Portugal – 25 April 1974. Purges. Lustration. Public servants.


According to the British academic Laurence Whitehead (2002), each country manages differently and finds its own solution to the demands of truth and justice in relation to its dictatorial past during democratization processes. While some chose a “communicative silence”, in others the demands for “hygienic purges” prevails. But whatever the option, another possibility will always remain latent, as desirable. In Portugal, the revolutionary nature of the transition to democracy and the state’s crisis that branded it created a “window of opportunity” for a strong and immediate reaction to the past. Among the different formulas of political justice adopted purges, i.e., the institution of processes through which abusive or corrupt officials are excluded from the public service, stand out. It is our aim to analyse the legislation that framed these purges, considering the transition different stages, and to perceive its impacts and relations with the progress of the Portuguese revolution.


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Author Biography

Maria Inácia Rezola, Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Lisboa

PhD in Institutional History and Contemporary Politics, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities in Universidad Nova de Lisbon (FCSH-UNL); Professor at the School of Social Communication (ESCS-IPL) and researcher at the Institute of Contemporary History, Universidad Nova de Lisbon (IHC-UNL), Lisbon, Portugal.


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How to Cite

Rezola, M. I. (2019). Punishment or forgiveness? The hard dealing with the dictatorial past in democratic Portugal – The case of the political purges. Estudos Ibero-Americanos, 45(3), 24–38. https://doi.org/10.15448/1980-864X.2019.3.33736



Dossier: Transitional Justice, authoritarian experiences and democracy