Between the Liberal Individual and the Republican Citizen: the Debate on the Compulsory Voting in the Birth of Uruguayan Democracy




Republicanism. Liberalism. Citizenship. Voting. Uruguay.


In the light of the debate on compulsory voting in the National Constituent Convention of Uruguay of 1916-1917, this text reconstructs the ascendancy of a republican ideology in Uruguayan politics, in counterpoint with different liberal positions. Without major semantic or discursive forcings, the text analyzes the existing connections between the positions for and against compulsory voting and the republican and liberal political legacies that have been encouraging much of the conventional debates on the citizen matter and its recent reactivation. The article also allows us to glimpse the attraction that the policy of ideas exerted in the foundational debates of Uruguayan democracy, as well as the normative and political relevance of the deliberative exchanges held in that constitutional body.


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Author Biographies

Javier Gallardo, Universidad de la República (UDELAR), Departamento de Montevidéu, Montevidéu

Doctor in Political Science (Cándido Méndes University IUPERJ, Rio de Janeiro, Professor of the Institute of Political Science - Faculty of Social Sciences - University of the Republic, Uruguay. Active Researcher Level 1 of the National System of Researchers (SNI) of the National Research and Innovation Agency (ANII) of Uruguay

Camilo López Burian, Universidad de la República (UDELAR), Departamento de Montevidéu, Montevidéu

PhD in Political Science (University of the Republic, Uruguay). Profesor Adjunto of the Institute of Political Science - Faculty of Social Sciences - University of the Republic, Uruguay. Active Researcher Level 1 of the National System of Researchers (SNI) of the National Research and Innovation Agency (ANII) of Uruguay.


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How to Cite

Gallardo, J., & Burian, C. L. (2020). Between the Liberal Individual and the Republican Citizen: the Debate on the Compulsory Voting in the Birth of Uruguayan Democracy. Estudos Ibero-Americanos, 46(1), e32800.