The perspective of victims and contemporary social theory: between memories of the past and alternative futures
Victims. Recognition. Violence. Memory. Forgetfulness.Abstract
The article intends to explore the centrality of the recognition of the figure of the victim for understanding the legacies of colonial violence and the imagination of alternative narratives and futures. In this perspective, we seek in our text to understand, based on the contributions of Enrique Dussel, Aníbal Quijano and Boaventura de Sousa Santos, the importance of the process of recognition of victims, especially the colonial ones, in the production of a social theory engaged in overcoming policies of forgetfulness and valorization of experiences, knowledge and practices of historically silenced collectivities and subjects. Focusing on the criticisms that surround the Eurocentric and hegemonic version of Modernity (DUSSEL, 1993), the material and subjective heritages of the colonial arrangements (QUIJANO, 2005) and the possibilities of a transgressive sociology and its consequent Southern Epistemology (SOUSA SANTOS, 2010), the recognition of the victim’s figure and his experiences emerges in contemporary social theory as significant processes for the validation of silenced memories and the imagination of unthinking futures.
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