Tradition and Modernism in the construction of the “new” woman from the Portuguese New State: photography and propaganda in the Boletim da Mocidade Portuguesa Feminina (1939-1947)




Female Portuguese Youth bulletin, Propaganda., Printed photography., New State, “New” women


The images that outlined the “new” women ideal of the Portuguese New State government (Estado Novo), set an important guide to understand how the photography was used to establish a female role model consentaneous with the regime ideology. At first glance these images appear odd and contradictory,  but a closer look one can identify an intrinsic dialectic between “tradition” and “modernist” themes and forms. Taking as case study the Boletim de Mocidade Portuguesa Feminina (Portuguese Women’s Youth Bulletin) (1939-1947), the aim of this work is to analyze how this dialectic was operated at the service of the New State propaganda.


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How to Cite

Marques, B. S., & Guarda, I. V. (2020). Tradition and Modernism in the construction of the “new” woman from the Portuguese New State: photography and propaganda in the Boletim da Mocidade Portuguesa Feminina (1939-1947). Estudos Ibero-Americanos, 46(2), e32309.



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