“Thirty years this afternoon”: endogenous and exogenous problems of the democratic trajectory in Brazil after the 1988 Constitution





parties, constitution, legitimacy, representation, democracy, authoritarianism.


Thirty years after the promulgation of the so-called “Citizens Constitution”, the Brazilian political system suffers, due to endogenous factors, a serious crisis of legitimacy. Added to this crisis of legitimacy there is still a global crisis, exogenous factors, of the bond between parties and society. To understand the nature of this crisis, proposed in this article, is to try to understand how such a young democracy can, in addition to its peculiar characteristics, be affected by phenomena that reach advanced democracies.


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How to Cite

Müller, G. A. A. (2018). “Thirty years this afternoon”: endogenous and exogenous problems of the democratic trajectory in Brazil after the 1988 Constitution. Estudos Ibero-Americanos, 44(2), 285–292. https://doi.org/10.15448/1980-864X.2.31672



Dossier: Thirty years of the “Citizens' Constitution”: contributions of History and Political Science