Between Swahili and Makua, Mujojo and Muzungo: the North of Mozambique as a Complex of Interconnections
social classifications, cultural connections, Northern Mozambique.Abstract
The northern Mozambique was marked by the intense circulation of people, products, ideas and knowledge in the nineteenth century. The northern Mozambique was a socio-cultural mosaic in the nineteenth century, marked by the intense circulation of people, products, ideas and knowledge. It was possible to find a diversity of groups, such as Swahili, Makua-Imbamela and Namarral, Mujojo and Muzungo. These social categories reveal forms of classification and identification based on different criteria: geographic location, religion, cultural aspects, occupation, color, economic and social condition. The main objective of this article is to analyze how these social categories were constructed historically as well as the cultural and identity connections existing around them.
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Entrevista concedida por MOMADE, Janina: Entrevista [20 de julho de 2016]. Entrevistador: Regiane Augusto de Mattos. Ilha de Moçambique, 2016.
Entrevista concedida por ISSUFO, Halifa Shifa. Entrevista [25 de julho de 2016]. Entrevistador: Regiane Augusto de Mattos. Ilha de Moçambique, 2016.
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