The public realm and revolution: Hannah Arendt between theory and praxis


  • Alexey Salikov National Research University Higher School of Economics
  • Alexey Zhavoronkov Humboldt University of Berlin



Revolution, Public realm, Violence, Social question, Communication.


The main goal of our paper is to analyze Arendt’s idea of the influence of revolutions on the public real by examining its theoretical and practical scope. In the course of our analysis, we will also answer the question whether Arendt’s understanding of revolution could be used in the modern context. After a critical investigation of Arendt’s idea of revolution and of her thesis about the impact of revolution on the public realm, we will briefly investigate several examples of modern revolutions from an ‘Arendtian’ standpoint in order to draw a conclusion about the current applicability of Arendt’s key arguments concerning violence, power, social issues, collective political action and communication.


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How to Cite

Salikov, A., & Zhavoronkov, A. (2017). The public realm and revolution: Hannah Arendt between theory and praxis. Estudos Ibero-Americanos, 43(3), 513–523.



Dossier: Amor Mundi – Actuality and Reception of Hannah Arendt’s Work