“Where does the Indian begin and where does it end?”: Legal-Criminal Categories in Peru, 1920s-1940s, and two Bolivian Cases from the 1940s*
indigenismo, Indians, criminal law, Peru, Bolivia.Abstract
How to treat the Indians? During the first half of the 20th century, with the rise of the indigenismo and under the influence of positivist ideas, this old colonial question reappeared in Latin America in the field of criminal law. A major part of the debate over the legal status of Indian criminals revolved around who exactly was the Indian that deserved or needed a special penal treatment. This question will be examined here mainly in the context of Peru, where the 1924 Penal Code introduced new legal categories of Indian criminals, and also in two Bolivian legislative proposals that sought to adapt the criminal law to “the Indian reality” of their country. The ways by which these criminal categories were interpreted by Peruvian courts and reformulated by various Peruvian and Bolivian legislative proposals, reshaped internal boundaries within these nations, and implicitly redefined the term “Indian” itself. In the Peruvian context, they also reflected the changes in the indigenismo during the 1920s-1940s.
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