Between reaction and restoration. Violence and the right in the beginning of the 1960s crisis in Uruguay
Uruguay, right, violence, Cold WarAbstract
Violence emerges as an objective fact in the analysis of the social and political crisis in Uruguay in the 1960s. However, most historical studies from Social and Political Sciences have identified theoretical elaborations and violent practices in the left or in the State, taking the year 1968 as starting point; this date concides with the apogee of the leftist armed struggle and the adoption of a legislation of exception to repress social protest. In this paper I propose two new approaches that contribute to the analysis of this period: 1. To review the chronology normally used to analyse the 1960s crisis; and 2. To include the perspective and interests of the right, which were part of the social and political fabrics during the most intense period of the Cold War in Latin America. In particular, this article offers a general cartography of the violence of the right, in which different strategies, types and justifications are highlighted, as well as the degrees and scale of violent activities with political objectives.
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