The Hungarian Revolution of 1956 and the anticommunist argumentation in the public discussion during the formation of Independent Foreign Policy in Brazil


  • Ágnes Judit Szilágyi Universidade Eötvös Loránd



Brazil, Hungary, Hungarian Revolution of 1956, Anti-communist Propaganda


In the late 1950s and early 1960s, standpoints changed in Brazilian foreign policy, as it became adapted to the transformation of the international situation. A public debate began in which two poles were formed: one of the them promoted the economical opening on the basis of pragmatic considerations for Central and Eastern European countries, and the other camp – especially the side committed with anticommunist and anti-Soviet ideals – rejected the Brazilian approach to the Soviet Union. In their argumentation, Hungary and the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 appeared as an example, as a heroic resistance against the communist regime. We present our study in Brazilian anti-Soviet rhetoric through the analysis of printed sources (books, pamphlets), which show the Hungarian Revolution becoming a heroic, symbolic event. This was particularly suitable for the anti-communist propaganda at the time, where the Hungarians appeared as an enslaved nation and the Revolution of 1956 becomes the symbol of resistance against Communism.


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Author Biography

Ágnes Judit Szilágyi, Universidade Eötvös Loránd

Departamento de História Universal Contemporânea, responsável pelas áreas dos países da Península Ibérica e da América Latina


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How to Cite

Szilágyi, Ágnes J. (2016). The Hungarian Revolution of 1956 and the anticommunist argumentation in the public discussion during the formation of Independent Foreign Policy in Brazil. Estudos Ibero-Americanos, 42(1), 127–141.



Dossiê: Pensamentos e práticas políticas conservadoras no século XX