The rebelliousness of the Bragança at the River Plate: portuguese commercial networks and familiar ties in Buenos Aires (17th Century)


  • Rodrigo Ceballos Universidade Federal de Campina Grande e Universidade Federal Fluminense



Colonial American history, social networks, commerce.


This paper presents a brief discussion followed by a transcription of a source kept at the General Archive of the Indies (Seville) about the expulsion of Portuguese from Buenos Aires in 1643. At the year of 1641, soon after the Portuguese Restoration, Lusitanian sailors fled to Rio de Janeiro raising the suspicious about the existence of betrayers residents in the River Plate against the Spanish monarchy.


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Author Biography

Rodrigo Ceballos, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande e Universidade Federal Fluminense

Professor Adjunto da UFCG/CFP, com tese intitulada "Arribadas portuguesas: a participação luso-brasileira na constituição social de Buenos Aires (c.1580-c.1650). Atualmente desenvolve pesquisa sobre a ocupação dos sertões das Capitanias do Norte (especialmente Paraíba) no século XVIII.


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MOLINA, Raúl A. António de León Pinelo y su vida en América. Su testamento y su obra; Juan de Vergara, señor de vidas y haciendas en el Buenos Aires del siglo XVII. Boletín de la Academia Nacional de Historia, Buenos Aires, v. XXIV-XXV, p. 453-504, 1950-1951.

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How to Cite

Ceballos, R. (2015). The rebelliousness of the Bragança at the River Plate: portuguese commercial networks and familiar ties in Buenos Aires (17th Century). Estudos Ibero-Americanos, 41(1), 126–142.