Italian musicians in Latin America between the 19th and 20th centuries: memories and testimonies


  • Adriana Guarnieri Corazzol Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia



Italian musicians, Latin America, 19th-20th century


This paper focuses on the personal recollections left by a dozen Italian musicians concerning their personal experiences in South America in the years 1880-1920 (the period when the phenomenon of Italian emigration to South America reached its highest peak), integrated with the evidence provided by some of their relatives and colleagues. Secondary biographical literature is also taken into account. The issues most often mentioned in these personal notes and recollections are the (often bad) travel conditions, the wages, the theatres, the reception of the audience, and the leisure activities. The paper investigates the experiences of such workers in the music sector as opera singers, symphonic directors, composers, and music teachers in search for fortune. In the paper, the experiences of the following personalities are discussed: Francesco Tamagno, Gemma Bellincioni, Arturo Toscanini, Giacomo Puccini, Michele Puccini, Ada Giachetti, Enrico Caruso, Nazzareno De Angelis, Luigi Mancinelli, Pietro Mascagni, Gino Marinuzzi, Beniamino Gigli.


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Author Biography

Adriana Guarnieri Corazzol, Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia

Laureada em Letras Modernas na Faculdade de Pisa. Professora de História da Música na Faculdade de Magistério da Universidade de Florença, na Faculdade de Letras e Filosofia da Universidade Ca’ Foscari de Veneza, onde continua lecionando. Membro do comitê diretivo musical do Centro de Estudos Giacomo Puccini, do Arquivo Gabriele d’Annunzio, da CIS (California Italian Studies) e da revista Venezia Arti. Presidente do Conselho dos Administradores da Associação dos Docentes Universitários Italianos de Música.



How to Cite

Corazzol, A. G. (2012). Italian musicians in Latin America between the 19th and 20th centuries: memories and testimonies. Estudos Ibero-Americanos.