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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The text follows the journal's formatting requirements according to the "Guidelines for Authors"found in the "Submissions" section.
  • It is mandatory to fill in the Article Cover, with the article information. This document must be forwarded separately at the time of submission.

Author Guidelines

Editorial Guidelines

As part of the editorial submission process, authors should verify the conformity of the text with the guidelines of the Journal.

The journal adopts the updated reference standard of ABNT (ABNT - General Rules).

The author must keep his registration profile updated and, for submission of a new text, fill out the information items below under “Conditions for Submission”.

Optionally, the authors may indicate at the end of the article:

  • thanks to funding agencies and / or institutions;
  • b. mini curriculum: academic and professional training.

The place of the figures and tables should be indicated in the text, and they will be sent in separate file, with program identification and version.

The bibliographic information must be correct and in accordance with the standard adopted by the journal.

The contribution must be original and unpublished and may not be evaluated for publication by another journal; if not, justify in “Comments to the editor” when submitting the text in the portal.

Spontaneous submission of articles and subsequent acceptance for publication automatically implies the assignment of the rights of the first publication to the Journal. Intellectual copyright remains with the author. Any subsequent reproduction, by any means, may be made only by prior agreement between the Journal and the author and with proper citation of the source.

The concepts issued in the works are the sole responsibility of the authors, not necessarily reflecting the opinion of the Editorial Board or Editorial Council.

Guidelines for thematic dossier proposal

Proponents of dossiers must be doctors with recognized academic competence in the subject area of their dossier. Ibero-American Studies magazine suggests that the organization of the publication be commissioned by two researchers and not linked to the same institution.

Dossiers should address issues that are mandated by the journal's focus and scope. Texts focused on theoretical and / or methodological issues also have space in the journal.

The organizers will have the responsibility to assist in the editorial process, ensuring the quality of the material. It is noteworthy that those responsible for the dossier may not be authors or co-authors of articles in the dossier under its edition. However, both the presentation of the dossier and the interview that will be part of it will be the responsibility and authorship of the organizers. The interview, which should be conducted by those responsible, will be based on the subject of the dossier and conducted with any historian, personality or intellectual of relevance and linked to the proposed theme.

All proposals should be sent exclusively by e-mail and should consist of an argumentative / descriptive text, up to two pages, about the chosen theme and its relevance to the debates in the area of Ibero-American studies. Once approved by the Editorial Board, a schedule will be established with the organizers.

Rules for the submission of articles and reviews

Ibero-American Studies magazine receives articles and reviews in a continuous flow and in accordance with dossiers proposed and coordinated by recognized researchers in the field.

Articles must contain from 40,000 to 70,000 characters with space. Book reviews must contain from 7,000 to 25,000 characters with space.

Proposals must be submitted without any identification of the authors. It will appear internally in the registration completed on the registration page before sending the text. To avoid recognition of authorship, direct and personal references to authors or their previous work should be avoided. In addition, authorship must be deleted from the file prior to submission. To do so, in Microsoft Office documents, the tag must be removed from the document properties in the File> Properties> Related People menu or File> Save As> Authors. For files generated on Mac, removal should be done under Options on Mac> Security Options... > Remove personal information from file when saving> OK> Save.

Authors must have a minimum doctorate degree. Doctoral students can publish in co-authorship with PhD holders. Failure to check this condition will automatically disapprove the text. The submitted article may have a maximum of 3 authors. The publication of advisor in co-authorship with tutored students is not allowed.

An EIA author must wait at least three issues (1 year) to re-publish in same Section of the journal. 

The explanatory notes should be indicated in the body of the text by Arabic numeral in ascending order and listed at the bottom of the page, in Times New Roman font size 10, with justified alignment and simple line spacing. Do not use notes for bibliographic references only. If within the notes there are references, the same rules of body text should be observed, using the author-date system.

If the text contains subtitles, these should be written in 13 font, with left alignment, single space and spacing before and after 6 pts.

The reviewed works may not have more than two years of publication, in case of works originally written in Portuguese, or more than five years of publication, in case of works originally published in another language.

The Tribuna section is exclusively for invited authors, of notorious academic recognition, being dedicated to the reflection on thematic relevant to the area of History in dialogue with the other Humanities. All articles submitted to this section are also evaluated in the double-blind system. The section has intermittent character.

Images, illustrations and graphics should be submitted as "Supplementary Documents" in separate file and in high resolution JPG or TIF format (minimum 200 DPI). In the body of the text should be indicated the places in which they should be placed, as well as their caption and reference. The author is responsible for authorizing their publication of the image. Once inserted, the images must fit within the space of 15 to 25 pages allowed under penalty of disregarding the text. Tables must be presented in Word formats. Do not underline or draw rows within tables, use tabs to separate columns.


Dossiê: Políticas culturais: projetos, atores e circuitos

This is a thematic section, organized by guest researchers, with a public call for articles referring to the proposed theme. A maximum of 12 articles are published per dossier.

Section Features:

  • Attach cover sheet.
  • Texts with up to three authors, with similar degrees, no less than a completed doctorate are accepted.
  • Articles between 38,000 and 68,000 characters (with space).

Dossiê: Bicentenário da Independência do Brasil (2022)

This is a thematic section, organized by guest researchers, with a public call for articles referring to the proposed theme. A maximum of 12 articles are published per dossier.

Section Features:

  • Attach cover sheet.
  • Texts with up to three authors, with similar degrees, no less than a completed doctorate are accepted.
  • Articles between 38,000 and 68,000 characters (with space).


Reviews can be on free themes or as part of the dossier. We receive in continuous flow. Books in Portuguese, edited in Brazil, must have a maximum of 3 years of publication. For foreign books, 5 years of publication will be considered.

Section Features:

  • Attach cover sheet.
  • Texts with up to three authors, with similar degrees, not inferior to a completed master's degree, are accepted.
  • 7,600 to 13000 characters.


The section aims to deal with relevant themes in the Ibero-American space in the 21st century, always with guest authors of recognized academic merit. Articles are also evaluated in the double-blind system.

Section Features:

  • Attach cover sheet.
  • Texts with up to three authors, with similar degrees, no less than a completed doctorate are accepted.
  • 25000 to 68000 characters (with space).

Pan-americanismo: novos olhares sobre as relações continentais

Artigos e resenhas

Dossiê: Escrevendo a história ambiental da América Latina: processos de ocupação, exploração e apropriação da natureza

Artigos e resenhas

Imprensa, cultura e circulação de ideias

artigos e resenhas

Notícias culturais



Dossier: Intellectual women: cultural mediation practices

This is a thematic section, organized by guest researchers, with a public call for articles referring to the proposed theme. A maximum of 12 articles are published per dossier.

Section Features:

  • Attach cover sheet.
  • Texts with up to three authors, with similar degrees, no less than a completed doctorate are accepted.
  • Articles between 38,000 and 68,000 characters (with space).

Dossier: 150 years of Italian immigration in Brazil

Dossiê: 150 anos de imigração italiana no Brasil
Em 2025 celebram-se os 150 anos da imigração italiana no Rio Grande do Sul. Com as políticas migratórias de colonização neste estado a partir de 1875, começaram os primeiros ingressos massivos de peninsulares no inteiro país. Por ocasião dessa importante efeméride, a proposta é organizar um dossiê específico, com o objetivo de trazer um balanço atualizado dos estudos relativos à história da imigração italiana no Brasil. Se pretende acompanhar o que vem sendo pesquisado em perspectiva internacional, oferecendo aos leitores os resultados de investigações histórico-científicas multidisciplinares. Serão enfatizadas as ligações históricas entre os dois países e os processos de mobilidade que geraram dinâmicas de hibridismo cultural, com reflexos evidentes em vários campos na organização de toda a sociedade brasileira. O objetivo é ressaltar a complexidade do tema através da produção acadêmica mais recente que, com diversas abordagens teóricas, estimula a perspectiva do cruzamento interdisciplinar no âmbito socioeconômico, político, religioso, educacional e cultural.
Prof. Dr. Antonio de Ruggiero (PUCRS)
Prof. Dr. Alberto Barausse (Università del Molise/UNIMOL - Itália)
Prazo para o envio de artigos: 30 de junho de 2024
Publicação: 2025

Dossier Digital History and Digital History of Education

Dossiê História Digital e História Digital da Educação

Com o advento da internet, a digitalização de imensos acervos documentais e o desenvolvimento de softwares e ferramentas de busca específicas para as humanidades, o trabalho do historiador passou por mudanças que transformaram completamente suas práticas de pesquisa, assim como também a forma pela qual o conhecimento produzido é divulgado. Se a abundância de fontes em meios digitais amplia as possibilidades de problemas a serem investigados, influenciando inclusive a formulação de novas perguntas, traz também uma dificuldade inédita sobre como fazer um uso crítico dessas fontes. Esse dossiê pretende refletir sobre essa nova operação historiográfica que se utiliza dos meios digitais nos campos da História e da História da Educação.


Profa. Diana Gonçalves Vidal (FE-USP/ IEA-USP)

Prof. Vinícius de Moraes Monção (UFF)

Profa. Patricia T. Raffaini (USP)

Prazo máximo para envio de artigos: 30 de julho de 2024

Publicação: 2025

Publicado: 2024-03-07

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.