Cena validada e estereótipos no caso Henry Borel

desdobramentos do ethos como imagem de si no Tribunal do Júri





Validated Scene, Stereotypes, Discursive Ethos, Criminal Trial, Henry Borel Case.



Abstract: This study highlights the stereotypes of a certain social group as agents in the discursivization process, that is, discourse is seen as an encounter between text and social place. The general objective of this work is to analyze the interference of validated scenes and stereotypes activated in the speech of the defendant Jairo Souza Santos Júnior in relation to the construction of the scenography and the mobilization of ethos as an image of himself. The theoretical foundation of this research finds its foundation in Discourse Analysis scholars, such as Maingueneau (2008, 2013a, 2013b, 2018), Amossy (2008, 2018) in addition to Amossy and Pierrot (2022). In relation to the universe of the Jury Court, the main author is Nucci (2014). This research is characterized as exploratory-descriptive, bibliographic and documentary in nature, through a case study with a qualitative approach. The corpus is made up of excerpts from the defendant's statements during the pre-trial and trial hearings. As a result, it appears that the scenography of the defendant's speech was built in a spiral, sometimes approaching models accepted in the ethical world of such discourse, sometimes moving away from the same accepted models, which generates an effect of contradiction, calling into question the enunciator's strategy of relying heavily on validated scenes and stereotypes.


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Author Biographies

Briane Schmitt, University of the Pacific (UPF), Phoenix, Arizona, United States.

PhD student in the Postgraduate Program in Letters (UPF) in the research line Constitution and Interpretation of Text and Discourse. Master in Constitution and Interpretation of Text and Discourse (UPF/2019).

Ernani Cesar de Freitas, Universidade de Passo Fundo

Post-doctorate in Applied Linguistics and Language Studies (PUC-SP/LAEL, 2011); PhD in Literature,
focusing on Applied Linguistics (PUCRS, 2006); Master's in Applied Linguistics from the Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (Unisinos, 2002).


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How to Cite

Schmitt, B., & Cesar de Freitas, E. (2024). Cena validada e estereótipos no caso Henry Borel: desdobramentos do ethos como imagem de si no Tribunal do Júri. Letras De Hoje, 59(1), e46307. https://doi.org/10.15448/1984-7726.2024.1.46307



Dossier: Text as the fabric of culture