The utterance advertising video “Natal O Boticário” (2021) in correlation

from the field of affections to neoliberal discourse




Utterance., Field of afects., Neoliberal discourse., “Natal O Boticário” (2021).


The purpose of this work is to analyze the advertising vídeo utterance “Natal O Boticário” (2021), published on the O Boticário brand channel on YouTube, considering correlation as a methodological procedure. The utterance under study has an intertextual reference to The Little Prince (1943), by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, and the song “Hey Jude” (1968), by the Beatles, situated in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. By using the field of affections in dialogue with the neoliberal discourse, the utterance addresses the client who has experienced social distancing, who has been affected by the virus and who has lost their sense of smell, romantically positioning themselves as responsible company and concerned with returning the smells, since its project of saying is based on retaining the customer to keep the company/brand in the market.


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Author Biographies

Grenissa Stafuzza, Federal University of Catalan (UFCAT), Catalan, Goiás, Brazil.

Professor linked to the Institute of Language Studies (IEL) of the Federal University of Catalão (UFCAT), where she teaches undergraduate courses and the Postgraduate Program in Language Studies. Leader of the Discursive Studies Group (Gedis – CNPq).

Yasmim Vitória da Costa, Federal University of Catalan (UFCAT), Catalan, Goiás, Brazil.

Master's student in the Postgraduate Program in Language Studies (PPGEL) at the Federal University of Catalão (UFCAT), in the Discourse, Subject and Society line. Capes Scholarship Process No. 88887.958333/2024-00. Member of the Discursive Studies Group (Gedis – CNPq).


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Referência do corpus

O BOTICÁRIO. Natal O Boticário. Disponível em: Acesso em: 14 maio 2024.



How to Cite

Stafuzza, G., & da Costa, Y. V. (2024). The utterance advertising video “Natal O Boticário” (2021) in correlation: from the field of affections to neoliberal discourse. Letras De Hoje, 59(1), e46264.



Dossier: Text as the fabric of culture