The pedagogy of linguistic variation and the educational sociolinguistics transposed to the field of Portuguese as an additional language




pedagogy of linguistic variation, educational sociolinguistics, Portuguese as an additional language, teacher training


As teachers of Portuguese as an additional language (PLA) to those who are interested in spoken and written Brazilian Portuguese, we are constantly dealing in the classroom with the triad standard norm, prestigious varieties, and popular varieties. To the gap between what is prescribed in grammars and the prestigious varieties - the result of an atypical implementation of a standard norm that had already been updated in another territory, the former metropolis -, we must add Brazil’s high social stratification, with deficiently distributed sociocultural resources and a high percentage of the population using popular varieties and subject to language prejudice. How to raise PLA students’ awareness of one of the most important facets of Brazilian linguistic variation, the sociocultural one, so that they acquire linguistic resources proper to contexts of [+orality, -monitoring] while being conscious of the attitudes associated with certain linguistic features? Despite Brazilian advances in language policies in PLA, such as the publication of the document Proposta curricular para ensino de português nas unidades da rede de ensino do Itamaraty em países de língua oficial espanhola (Brasil, 2020), which validates the Teaching of non-standard variants, we still lack theorization and methodology to deal in the classroom with a plurality of norms typical of societies with high economic and sociocultural stratification, as is the case of Brazil. Weargue here that the Pedagogy of Linguistic Variation (Faraco, 2008, 2015b) and the Educational Sociolinguistics (Bortoni-Ricardo, 2004, 2005), although originally oriented to the teaching of Portuguese as a mother tongue, have the potential to assist us in dealing with linguistic variation also in the context of PLA. We illustrate the viability of this theoretical-methodological transposition by developing a proposal for teaching the linguistic variable “third-person anaphoric direct object”.


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Author Biography

Miley Antonia Almeida Guimarães, Universidad de Salamanca (USAL), Salamanca, Espanha.

PhD in Portuguese Philology from the University of Salamanca (USAL), in Salamanca, Spain; Master in Philology and Portuguese Language from the University of São Paulo (USP), in São Paulo, SP, Brazil. Professor at the Department of Modern Languages ​​at the Faculty of Philology and at the Center for Brazilian Studies at USAL, in Salamanca, Spain.


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How to Cite

Almeida Guimarães, M. A. (2023). The pedagogy of linguistic variation and the educational sociolinguistics transposed to the field of Portuguese as an additional language. Letras De Hoje, 58(1), e44790.



Dossier: Teaching Portuguese as an Additional Language (PLA)