The social masculine representations in the publicitary campaign of Natura’s Father’s day
Discourse Analysis, masculinity, social representationsAbstract
This article reflects about the masculine representation in the publicitary campaign of Natura Company, published in 2021, regarding to Father’s day celebration. It aims to infer how such social representations are constructed along the campaign, whether there is the rupture with the actual imaginary sociodiscoursive about the masculinity considered pattern. The study takes on a qualitative character lined into concepts of the Discourse Analysis, focusing on social representation notions, imaginary sociodiscoursive and publicitary discourse (CHARAUDEAU, 2007, 2010, 2017), ethos, scenes of enunciation and atopic discourse (MAINGUENEAU, 2008b, 2010, 2015, 2016), it was brought in Bourdieu’s studies (2012) and Oliveira’s (2004) the reflections about masculinity. From frame clippings of the publicitary campaign, it has been performed the enunciation scenes and ethos analysis that manifest themselves in the advertising piece, from which we infer that it is from the sponsor that emerges the atopic sexist discourse that reveal itself as the scenography manifests stereotyped places regarding to men and, consequently, to the masculinity pattern. Even the scenes that, somehow, try to break off those patterns, incorporate an image of pattern male representativeness, that doesn’t totally put away the appearance of virile man. It leads to a conclusion that, even though the advertisement shows innovation clippings and attention to the diversity, even so emerge, through the sponsor, images linked to the traditional representations of masculinity, once the advertisement objective is precisely to sell its product, so, it is necessary to maintain such images with the purpose of range the major number of public consumer possible.
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