Under the verification of the media discourse
Segregated subjectivities
news, discourse, subjectivity, discriminationAbstract
This article unfolds a look at journalistic police news, in the light of French Discourse Analysis and studies on discursive genres. Among some authors that support our discussion, Foucault (2002a, 2002b, 2008) and Quinalha (2017) postulate perceptions about the relationship between the subject and its historically and symbolically marked place in discourses. Among the collected data, consisting of a set of news extracted from the national media, published in printed newspapers, in the 1980s, and digital ones, today, we analyzed a news item from 1984. We observed how the meanings of crimes committed against homosexuals were enunciated by the media Brazilian society and how they inscribed, in a regulatory and captious way, these subjects in an identity process of discrimination and marginality. We ponder how the discourses are aligned, between past and present, in a given regularity, and how they resume, on a daily basis, the effects of exclusion of the homosexual, insofar as, in their structure, they indicate a place of enunciation segregated in stereotypes. The media utterance, therefore, is the object to be scrutinized in its conditions of production, so that it becomes possible to demystify meanings embedded in the opacity of its news about murdered homosexuals. We add to this a reflection on the role of the school in the face of gender and sexuality issues, as well as on the transversality of this theme in the field of education, especially in the official curricular guidelines. After all, when we read these news, we are in a constant search to understand the look they cast on the homosexual and that, gradually, undertake a story about their existence in different social spheres. It is an enunciative game of power that entangles the homosexual in a conflicting visibility, segregated and silenced by violence, by instituting meanings that, in particular, enhance their exclusion and humiliation.
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