Questions of translation, reception and exegesis of the works of Bajtín and his Circle
An interview with Tatiana Bubnova
Bakhtin, Bakhtinian studies, Translation, Reception, ExegesisAbstract
Tatiana Bubnova's reflection in the field of Bakhtinian studies and her contributions to the Spanish translations of the works of Bakhtin and his Circle are already well known among experts in the area. In this interview, Bubnova addresses questions involving the translation of the work, the reception and the exegesis that received in the West. The interview consists of seven questions in which Bubnova discusses about how she began to translate the Russian authors; how to understand the problem of the translator's voice in the translations; the issue of specialized terminology for translations into different languages; the understanding of the Circle's texts in unforeseen times by their authors; the reverse translation; the theme of the “Bakhtin Industry”, gives indications of readings by other bakhtinists and designs a kind of reading itinerary for someone who will be introduced to these texts.
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