In other words, what does this text mean?
The paraphrase in teaching reading comprehension
Paraphrase, Reading, Reading comprehension, Metacognition, Reading strategiesAbstract
We present here the findings of a research whose objective was to verify the possibility of teaching paraphrase as a strategy that potentiates the development of reading comprehension, in a metacognitive level, of 9th grade students. The adopted methodology consisted of three development stages: the first was a pre-test, followed by a didactic intervention and, finally, a post-test. The collected data were not enough for us to be able to reach the objective satisfactorily. However, from the analyzes and discussions, we evidenced the difficulties in reading comprehension of the participating subjects and the need for further studies of the paraphrase as a metacognitive strategy in the teaching of reading, since paraphrasing a text, as evidenced in our study, requires a long work of didactic intervention
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