The linguistic knowledge of the literate about the futurity expression
Periphrastic form (core grammar/L1) versus synthetic form (peripheral grammar/L2)
Expression of futurity, Peripheral grammar, Core grammar, Generative grammarAbstract
Considering naturally acquired Portuguese as an L1 and the one taught in schools as an L2, oral and written data from (a) naturally acquired children, (b) 5th and 8th grade students, and (c) university students were analyzed taking into account the expressions of futurity; namely, (i) synthetic future; (ii) ‘ir’ + infinitive; (iii) ‘haver-de’ + infinitive; (iv) present form. We contrast this data with historical roles of BP between the XVII and XXI centuries. The results show that the synthetic future is not acquired naturally and the higher the level of education, the greater its use (in written domains). We also find that school recovers only a few linguistic fossils (synthetic form of futurity), but not all. We therefore propose that the I-language of the literate consists of the periphrastic form as part of core grammar and the synthetic form as part of peripheral grammar.
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