Cândida Fortes
A forgotten woman writer from Rio Grande do Sul
Recovering forgotten women writers., Cândida Fortes, Short stories.Abstract
The aim of this paper is to recover and analyze some short stories written by Cândida Fortes, more specifically, the ones that were published in periodicals that are not remembered by biographers, in order to contribute to the insertion of the author in the history of literature and to an increase in her critical and biographical considerations. Feminist criticism and literary theory theoretical approaches were consulted for reaching this goal. The methodology used consists in bibliographical research and literary hermeneutics as a reading support. It was observed that this writer contributed to lots of periodicals that are not mentioned by scholars. Furthermore, even though she is rarely remembered as a writer of short stories, she demonstrates a high quality technique when writing in this genre, especially when dealing with language, time, space, and other aspects of creative writing.
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