Reading as a complex adaptive subsystem
Reading. Complex systems. Reading comprehension.Abstract
This article considers reading as a complex cognitive activity, with characteristics of a subsystem which is part of a larger dynamic system called language. In this perspective, reading is seen as a complex emergence resulting from the actuation of several situated factors, such as, intra/intersubjective ones, psychological ones, corporeal ones, ecological ones, historical ones, sociocultural ones, among others, that interact in the flow of the process of reading comprehension and sense construction. Thus, we present a reading view focusing on the concepts and characteristics of Complex Adaptive Systems Theory (from now on SAC), namely, the concepts of system, subsystem, attractors, triggers and phase-spaces, trying to correlate them with the process of reading understanding. We focus mainly on demonstrating the aspects of reading which make it a complex adaptive subsystem and the flow of the attractors that direct the textual cues to a given state of system preference – phase states.
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