Teachers’ conceptions concerning factors and processes involving reading comprehension
Teaching reading comprehension. Teaching practice. Linguistic-cognitive skills.Abstract
Conceptions underlying teaching practices intended to develop reading comprehension were investigated through a questionnaire applied to 15 teachers from the 4th to 9th grade of 10 schools (Curitiba, PR, Brazil). The questions addressed social, linguistic and reading cognitive dimensions and factors necessary to comprehension (text, reader, and context). The answers revealed there is little clarity in regard to content and concepts concerning the cognitive dimension of reading, which, in theory, restricts the use of effective proposals to teach reading comprehension. The reports from teaching referrals show that teachers focus on explicit information provided in texts; that is, skills that facilitate inferential understanding and critical reading are poorly promoted. An analysis of how reading is taught shows a need to reformulate teaching proposals in order to promote in readers the ability to reflect and deliberately construct understanding.
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