Textual Reading Fluency Assessment Tool: from decoding to reading comprehension
Reading assessment. Reading fluency. Validity study.Abstract
The aim of this paper is to present the instrument AFLeT (Textual Reading Fluency Assessment) and one of its validity studies (correlation with other tests that evaluate theoretically related constructs). The instrument main characteristic is its comprehensiveness of reading evaluation, once the AFLeT covers reading fluency in all its dimensions, i.e. the processing of decoding, prosody, speed, and reading comprehension. The normative sample was composed of 200 Brazilian children from 7 to 10 years old, students from 2nd to the 4th year of the Elementary School in public and private schools in Rio Grande do Sul. The results of one of the psychometric studies have shown that the scores in AFLeT are significantly correlated with performance in tasks that measure concepts theoretically related to reading fluency (reading of words and pseudowords and rapid serial naming).
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