Construction of ethos in laboratory reports of university students: contrasts in academic discourse in Spanish
Discursive ethos. Academic discourse. Identity. Texts written by university students. Communication contract. Discourse strategy.Abstract
The construction of academic ethos is analyzed in this article based on a corpus formed by laboratory reports written by third-year university students. It has two aims: a) to analyze discursive strategies and linguistic resources used by students in the construction of an academic ethos through a qualitative approach within the discourse analysis field; b) to stablish a link between the identity construction and two types of reports, the acceptable ones and the unsatisfactory ones, based on the evaluation made by the professor who requested the report. The characterization will help to understand how the student constructs an academic image in a determined discursive genre, in a specific stage of formation. In order to work the object of study, different theoretical and methodological platforms but that converge several lineaments are used, such as semiodiscoursive discourse analysis (CHARAUDEAU, 2003), critical literacy studies (IVANIC, 1998, 2005) and Academic discourse and academic genres (HYLAND, 2002, 2005; SWALES, 2004). The corpus is formed by 9 laboratory researches in the electrical engineering field. The research proposal is descriptive and predominantly qualitative. The methodological procedure seeks to link the use of certain preferred linguistic structures in texts and the different elements involved in the enunciation circumstance. The results show how different discursive strategies and linguistic resources are updated, as well as the prosodic performance in the discourse structure. Finally, the relevance of the discursive strategies used in the discursive formulation and reformulation processes is found as a conclusion, as it allows the emergence of the subject appearance and the positioning of it within the related knowledge discipline.
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