Jorge, Enrique and their characters


  • Reginaldo da Luz Pujol Filho Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul



Enrique Vila-Matas, Jorge Luis Borges, Appropriation, Autorship, Creative writing


This work assumes the risk as a form, in the same way that the authores who inpired this piece (Jorge Luis Borges and Enrique Vila-Matas) did. In some way, we can say that we are presenting a fantastic hipothesis in the same style os much of the Borges’ short stories, like Tlon, Uqbar Orbis Tertius. It means: we evoke the fiction and the fantastic to think about the relationship between the work of Borges and the work ofo Vila-Matas. Something that approach us from the other author mentioned here. If Enrique Vila-Matas already said that “My voice is from an essayist who uses narration as a support of the essay”, it´s totally fair to use the narration to make a esay about him. So we beliave that this work makes a reflexion about the possible interlacements nettween thos two authors; the issue of authorship; the issue of the postmoden appropriation. And to reach this, we assume the risk as a form.


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Author Biography

Reginaldo da Luz Pujol Filho, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul

Escritor. Mestre e doutorando em Escrita Criativa (PUCRS)


BORGES, Jorge. Ficções. Trad. Carlos Nejar. Porto Alegre: Globo, 1970.

PIGLIA, Ricardo. Novas teses sobre o conto. In: PIGLIA, Ricardo. Formas breves. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2004. p. 95-114.

REVISTA LER. Enrique Vila-Matas: “Se me dessem o Nobel, eu recusava” (entrevista). Lisboa, abr. 2012. p. 66-72.

VILA-MATAS, Enrique. Bartleby e companhia. São Paulo: Cosac Naify, 2004.

VILA-MATAS, Enrique. O mal de Montano. São Paulo: Cosac Naify, 2005.

VILA-MATAS, Enrique. Doutor Pasavento. São Paulo: Cosac Naify, 2005.

VILA-MATAS, Enrique. História abreviada da literatura portátil. São Paulo: Cosac Naify, 2013.

VILA-MATAS, Enrique. [10 de fevereiro de 2017]. Enrique Vila-Matas: “Aunque no lo quiera, la literatura invade mi vida”. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 30 abr. 2017 (tradução nossa).



How to Cite

Pujol Filho, R. da L. (2018). Jorge, Enrique and their characters. Letras De Hoje, 52(4), 508–511.



Literature in Spanish Language: Novels and Short Stories